In this section you can read posts I've written myself.

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Streaming a large export as a CSV file to the browser

Original – by Freek Van der Herten – 3 minute read

A while ago, I created an easy to use framework agnostic PHP package to read and write CSV and Excel files called spatie/simple-excel. Behind the scenes, generators are used to ensure low memory usage, even when working with large files. Today I added a method that allows you to stream CSV files to the browser. In this small blog post, I'd like to demonstrate how you can use it.

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My Alfred workflows

Original – by Freek Van der Herten – 2 minute read

Alfred is a fantastic tool for macOS that allows you to be more productive. The app allows you to install workflows to make it more powerful. In this short blog post, I'd like to share the workflows that I have installed.

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Sending a welcome notification to new users of a Laravel app

Original – by Freek Van der Herten – 7 minute read

My team and I currently building Mailcoach, a solution to self-host newsletters and email campaigns. In Mailcoach you can create new users to use the app.

How should these new users be onboarded? The easy way out would be to send these new users a default password reset notification to those users, but that isn't a good first experience. The default auth scaffold by Laravel doesn't help us here: it only contains functionality to log in and to let users register themselves.

To onboard new users created by other users, I've created a package called laravel-welcome-notification which can send a welcome notification to new users that allows them to set an initial password.

In this blogpost I'd like to explain how you can use the package).

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Getting started with Domain Oriented Laravel

Original – by Freek Van der Herten – 1 minute read

A couple of days ago my colleague Brent published a blogpost on Domain Oriented Laravel. In short, he makes the case for organising your code around business concepts or features. That might sound very "heavy" or daunting, but it's actually for easy to get started with.

In this short video I explain how you can use PhpStorm to refactor your code. Make up your own mind if you need this in your projects.

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The mixin PHP DocBlock

Original – by Freek Van der Herten – 5 minute read

When using PHP, you've probably used DocBlocks. They can be used to add additional information that can't be inferred by looking at the source code alone. DocBlocks can be used by IDEs, like PhpStorm, to improve autocomplete suggestions.

In this blogpost, I'd like to highlight a not so well known DocBlock: mixin.

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