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πŸš€ Deploying a Laravel Project on Forge with Reverb WebSockets | Real-Time Setup Tutorial

– - submitted by Bert De Swaef

Want to deploy your Laravel project on Forge with real-time WebSockets using Reverb? In this step-by-step tutorial, we’ll walk you through setting up Laravel Forge, configuring your server, and integrating Reverb for real-time communication. Whether you're building a chat app, notifications system, or live updates, this guide will help you get everything running smoothly.


Using a Crawler for Website Error Detection and Cache Warming

– - submitted by Christian Olear

Have you ever deployed your website or web app, only to discover hours later that you’ve introduced bugs or broken links? Or do you clear the cache with every deploy, leaving the first users to experience slow performance? In this guide, you’ll learn how to use a crawler to automatically detect errors and warm the cache, ensuring your site runs smoothly after every deployment.