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Using GitHub Dependabot with a Monorepo - submitted by Chris Rhymes

GitHub offers a dependabot service that can let you know of any potential security issues with your dependencies and automatically create a Pull Request for you. This works great without any configuration if you have a repo that contains npm, composer or gem dependencies, but you may need additional configuration if your lock files aren’t in the root directory, or in separate directories in the case of a monorepo.


Making Laravel Collection Clone - submitted by Ashish Dhamala

Here, we will be looking at how to make a Laravel Collection clone. We will learn about two interfaces of PHP which will help us access an object as an array and loop through the object, and they are ArrayAccess and Iterable respectively. We will all be implementing some methods like map, filter, reduce and sum.


Multitenant Laravel Notifications - submitted by Chrysanthos

Laravel Notifications are an awesome tool that provides built-in support for sending notifications, in dozens of different channels, like Slack, Telegram, SMS, etc. In this tutorial, we will see how we can customise Laravel Notifications core to accommodate a multi-tenant setup in a single database.