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Split assets using Laravel Mix

– - submitted by Chrysanthos

There are cases where you’d like to build different JS/CSS assets for your site, like when you are building a landing page and a user-authenticated dashboard. You wouldn’t want to load all the CSS and JS assets on your landing page would you?


Creating Your Own Laravel Custom Package: A Step-by-Step Guide

– - submitted by Filip Josifovski

Packages are a great way to make a bunch of code reusable and easily shareable. You may have already come across many Laravel packages, both official and community-maintained—some of them simple and some very complex. In the following article, you’ll learn most of the fundamental concepts around putting together a Laravel custom package.


Creating a Neat DateTime Helper Function in PHP

– - submitted by Ricardo Čerljenko

Working with datetime in PHP could be a real pain if you don't take advantage of popular libraries like Carbon. It's all good until you have to convert dates provided on user input into another timezone (eg. UTC) and vice versa. Other example could be that you have to manage various input datetime formats, and sanitize them into a consistent one before saving it to database.


The value of a good database design

– - submitted by Patrik Ahlström

You might think that the way your store your data isn't really that important. Well it's more important than you think it is. A good database design just like good clean code is the key to performance, not only for the end user but also for you the developer. A poor database model just like poorly written code will slow you down and furthermore it will slow your database queries down which results in a slow application.