Some people to follow on Twitter
There are a lot of developers active on Twitter. Most of them tweet out interesting links, their opinions or stuff they're working on. I think Twitter is an excellent tool to stay in touch with what's going on in the Laravel and PHP community.
If you're looking for some people to follow here are some excellent lists:
- Follow PHP devs: a great list of people in the greater PHP ecosystem
- PHPeople: a very big list made by Cal Evans
- Learning OOP in PHP, people section: Marcel dos Santos made a pretty awesome list of PHP devs
- Influential Laravel developers: a list curated by Jeffrey Way with some great Laravel devs
- Top 15 Laravel people to follow on Twitter: this one is curated by Povilas Korop of Laravel Daily
These developers don't appear on those lists above but are certainly worth to follow.
- Samantha Geitz: currently working at Tighten Co. where she writes some amazing technical articles on the company blog
- Joseph Silber: one of the unsung heroes of the Laravel ecosystem
- Marcel Pociot: creator of a lot of awesome packages and co-curator of the Laravel Notification Channels community effort
- Mattias Geniar: very active blogger on devops topics
- Gabriela D'Ávila: Data Engineer, knows a lot about databases, Elasticsearch, ...
- Bram Van Damme: runs a nice blog on all cool things on the internet
- Sebastian De Deyne: author and professional scrutinizer of a lot of Spatie packages. Also a JavaScript wizard
- Frederick Vanbrabant: the best source of jokes on the internet
- phpdeveloper: Not a personal account but a feed of PHP news curated by Chris Cornutt
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