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Laravel and PHP developers to follow on Mastodon

Original – by Freek Van der Herten – 5 minute read

I love Twitter and I will be there until the ship goes down. Unfortunately, there are some strong signals that it may go away for a while or even permanently. I surely hope it doesn't come to that.

Through years of curating people to follow, I've built a very nice, positive group of people I admire and get inspired by. If Twitter goes down, I want to stay following these people (in a non-creepy way, rest assured). That's why I've already created a Mastadon account, and am looking around for the positive Laravel and PHP vibes there.

Justin Jackson wrote a very nice blog post on how to get started with Mastodon.

If you join a Mastodon server (I'm on PHP Social, but there are many others), then you can get a head start by following these Laravel and PHP people. You can follow them by searching for them, no matter on which Mastodon server they or you are.

And then follow them:


General PHP

Please don't take it personal if you're not on these lists, it's impossible to add everyone. I will update the lists above now and then.

You can also:

Feel free to drop your Mastodon handle in the comments below so the readers here can follow you too!

Stay up to date with all things Laravel, PHP, and JavaScript.

You can follow me on these platforms:

On all these platforms, regularly share programming tips, and what I myself have learned in ongoing projects.

Every month I send out a newsletter containing lots of interesting stuff for the modern PHP developer.

Expect quick tips & tricks, interesting tutorials, opinions and packages. Because I work with Laravel every day there is an emphasis on that framework.

Rest assured that I will only use your email address to send you the newsletter and will not use it for any other purposes.


Marcel Pociot avatar

😘 https://mas.to/@marcelpociot

Ricardo Sawir avatar


Sascha Presnac avatar


Miracle Chibuzo avatar


Hemp avatar


Liam Egan avatar

updated Nov 22

I'm lazy - so I modified the list and created a csv file for quickly importing it. There were a few issues with domains that I fixed and I added the postings above. Paste the following into a text file and save it as something like "laravel_follow.csv", Delete anyone that you already follow and have Notify alerts on (otherwise it overwrites that setting - or change all of them to TRUE) , then import into "Following List" and make sure you have "merge" checked off and upload file - then you will be following everyone on the list.

---- start of csv ----,,, Account address,Show boosts,Notify on new posts,Languages freekmurze@phpc.social,TRUE,FALSE, driesvints@phpc.social,TRUE,FALSE, jessarcher@mas.to,TRUE,FALSE, mijustin@mastodon.social,TRUE,FALSE, Mattstauffer@mastodon.social,TRUE,FALSE, keithdamiani@phpc.social,TRUE,FALSE, frankdejonge@mastodon.social,TRUE,FALSE, ianlandsman@mastodon.social,TRUE,FALSE, mvpopuk@phpc.social,TRUE,FALSE, stefanzweifel@mastodon.social,TRUE,FALSE, james@phpc.social,TRUE,FALSE, stefanbauer@phpc.social,TRUE,FALSE, ryangjchandler@phpc.social,TRUE,FALSE, claudiodekker@mastodon.social,TRUE,FALSE, danharrin@phpc.social,TRUE,FALSE, zuzana_kunckova@phpc.social,TRUE,FALSE, valorin@infosec.exchange,TRUE,FALSE, rias@phpc.social,TRUE,FALSE, rubenvanassche@mastodon.cloud,TRUE,FALSE, otsch@phpc.social,TRUE,FALSE, daryl1509@phpc.social,TRUE,FALSE, erikaheidi@fosstodon.org,TRUE,FALSE, chrisarter@phpc.social,TRUE,FALSE, mjwhansen@bbiz.io,TRUE,FALSE, juststeveking@phpc.social,TRUE,FALSE, nunomaduro@phpc.social,TRUE,FALSE, ameliniya@phpc.social,TRUE,FALSE, php@fosstodon.org,TRUE,FALSE, ramsey@phpc.social,TRUE,FALSE, akrabat@phpc.social,TRUE,FALSE, matthiasnoback@mastodon.social,TRUE,FALSE, doekenorg@phpc.social,TRUE,FALSE, asgrim@phpc.social,TRUE,FALSE, beberlei@phpc.social,TRUE,FALSE, derickr@phpc.social,TRUE,FALSE, nicolasgrekas@phpc.social,TRUE,FALSE, jrf_nl@phpc.social,TRUE,FALSE, dunglas@mastodon.social,TRUE,FALSE, MarkBaker@phpc.social,TRUE,FALSE, bcremer@phpc.social,TRUE,FALSE, heiglandreas@phpc.social,TRUE,FALSE, sebastian@phpc.social,TRUE,FALSE, dragonbe@phpc.social,TRUE,FALSE, seldaek@mastodon.social,TRUE,FALSE, afilina@phpc.social,TRUE,FALSE, lornajane@indieweb.social,TRUE,FALSE, Skoop@phpc.social,TRUE,FALSE, grmpyprogrammer@phpc.social,TRUE,FALSE, marcelpociot@mas.to,TRUE,FALSE, ricardosawir@phpc.social,TRUE,FALSE, paladin@mastodon.online,TRUE,FALSE, emiracle@uiuxdev.social,TRUE,FALSE, hemp@laravel.gg,TRUE,FALSE, Synchro@phpc.social,TRUE,FALSE, ---- end of csv ----

Marcus Bointon avatar


Günter Grodotzki avatar


Andrei-Daniel Petrica avatar
Andrei-Daniel Petrica

@pad@mastdon.grozav.dev I tend to talk about programing, laravel, php, japan and kpop

Angel Brown avatar

It's nice to connect with each other. Keep posting! sprayfoam insulation, North Port, FL

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